
When one of my friends, living in Estonia, asked me to by her, a collie male-puppy from Finland from a certain litter, I didn't realize where it would lead to. She promised to by me a puppy of some other breed.

When I was visiting her, we were looking at photos of different breeds. I sew a dog, looking like a Bobtail, with a long coat and with a funny strange name. " Well, that would be something" I said.

Next autum I got a letter from her. She had reserved me a PON-puppy from "Chechoslovakia". So I was waiting..... The litter was born in the beginning of April.
In the summer I went to Estonia to take home my first PON. I saw a black furry dog, which I was supposed to be smaller ! In this way arrived Anuska Zlaty Ranc to our home. After that our life was never the same again.

I was used to german shephers, which came to you, when you asked them.When I tried the same for Anuska and was calling "here", she turned her back to me and walked away. When I raised my woice, she prostrated herself and didn't looked at if there was a pool of water under her or not...
Frustrated I went to library to look at the Check dictionary. Can it be possible, that the word "here" in Finnish language could be "there" in Chech language ???

Within her life Anuska teached me more, than I did it to her. At least she get me loved into this movingly stubborn Polish loland sheepdog !