Champion of Champions & Veteran of Veterans 2009

In honour of the the most victorious show-dogs of the year 2008, was arranged, also in this year, the big Gala Evening CHAMPIONS of CHAMPIONS & VETERAN of VETERANS. Also in this year the Gala was hold in the Fur-Center, in Vantaa, and the date was Saturday, 31th January 2009.

As you know, the show is organized as an invitation contest, according to the results of the preceding show year. The invitation to this wonderful show is given to 100 dogs ( competing at the title of Champion of Champions) and 50 veterans ( competing at the title of Veteran of Veterans), who have been the most succesful showdogs of the year - in spite of the breed - in The Finish Kennel Club show dog list.
So it's quite difficult and a big honour to get along to the Champion of Champions & Veteran of Veterans gala.
The competition is a "strike out competition", it is 2 dogs together to the catwalk, and the judges give the "colour", red or black, and the other dog fall off until only one dog is left

Tapani Turunen, the president of the Gaala- committee wrote:
The Champion of Champions and Veteran of Veterans gala of 2009 is the 20th time, the show is organised.
The occasion has stabilised its status as a survay for the most successful show dogs of the preceding year. With the years it has also got the functional content and shape.
The Champion of Champions and Veteran of Veterans gala of 2009 provides again an awesome cavalcade of the brilliant showdogs of the year 2008.

The judges for the Champion of Champions were Hans Lehtinen, Gunnel Holm and Ann Ingram.

Also in this year, the invitation to the CHAMPION of CHAMPION’s -competition got one owczarek nizinny
    JV-04,INT & FIN & EST & RUS & S CH
    Flinkbein Zupelny Sukces
Also one lagotto romagnolo got the invitation to CHAMPION of CHAMPION’s -competition, the daughter of Peterpan
    FI & POHJ & EE & LV & LT MVA, JV-04, V-05,-07,-08, MV-08
Also this year, Milou had a SPLENDID SUCCESS in the Gala
    In year 2009 Milou was among the 8 BEST COUPLES

As you can imagine, among the audience, the inciting of this PON-boy was very powerful and stunning, GREAT!!! :-)
Also in this year the concurrents were going and swunging round the "catwalkia"( or dogwalkia). The public was stylish in their evening dresses - and also the dogs were looking just great. Also in this year this competition was televised, and we can also by DVD of it.

Champion of Champions 2009 - was valkoinen länsiylämaanterrieri Who's Queens Head Veteran of Veterans 2009-was shiba Sea-Rock Okeay Only One.


Waiting for the judging before the Gala started

lagotto romagnolo Budoar Veronica... and Milou with his brace in the before-judging

Flinkbein Zupelny Sukces

Milou in speed here is the TV-photographer

polski owczarek nizinny : Flinkbein Zupelny Sukces lagotto romagnolo : Budoar Veronica

The hall was full of publiuc

Tintti and Kata Pia and Petri

our joufyl companionship

Veteran of Veterans, in right chiba who won VeteransChampion of Champions vinner